Archive | mars 2017

Emacs mode for VS 2017

Visual Studio 2008 had an Emacs mode that added most commonly used Emacs keybindings in the IDE. VS 2010 later made the feature available as an optional extension which unfortunaly wasn’t carried over on VS 2013. However the source of the extensions were published so that the communit could carry over :

Porting the extension to the latest version of Visual Studio is actually quite easy. It requires enabling Desktop DotNet and Visual Studio SDK feature in the installer though.

Out of the box the solution won’t compile because of missing assemblies : EnvDTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.10*. EnvDTE references should be manually replaced by a reference to the envdte.dll assembly on the disk (in Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv\PublicAssemblies\) ; I’m not sure why VS2017 doesn’t find it automatically to be honest seems it’s registered in a rather standard location.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15 (there’s 2 versions available in the reference browser, both are needed) and Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.Framework will replace the reference to the older Shell.10 ones ; doing so will make the project target the 4.6.2 Framework.

The last piece of the port is to add a Prerequisites in the vsixmanifest file. I suggest adding the base IDE as the sole one.

Next the extension should build properly.